For more information contact the
Program Manager
at (607) 756-5992, ext. 291
or by e-mail at sap@ccocc.org
Adults (18+) diagnosed as having a serious and persistent mental illness (SPMI) who need an additional level of support while becoming independent are a priority for this program. Residents must be able to:
Live in an apartment setting with a limited possibility of serious harm to themselves or others
Commit to working towards improving their daily living skills
Admission requires a referral from a clinical professional and review and approval by the single point of access (SPOA) committee.
Supportive Apartment Program
Our Supportive Apartment Program offers semi-supervised living in an apartment. It is a step to independent living for those who are transitioning out of a higher level of care.
Our supportive apartments help those who may need continued treatment, monitoring, and help building a roadmap towards developing goals and independent living skills.
There are six supportive apartments certified by the NYS Office of Mental Health.
The resident works closely and meets frequently with the Supportive Apartment Coordinator to develop a plan outlining individual goals. Together, they address progress and concerns as they relate to recovery, mental health, and daily living. The program assists with budgeting, medication management and symptom management. Counselors can be reached 24 hours a day in case of emergency.
Length of Stay
Similar to other programs, the length of stay varies depending on the needs of the individual. The average is 6-12 months.
Program Expectations
We believe residents are the most important participants in their recovery. Participants agree to meet frequently with the Supportive Apartment Coordinator to set meaningful and realistic goals that advance recovery and independent living. Participants are expected to understand their medication regime and make positive efforts in treatment, in addition to maintaining their apartment, abiding by landlord rules, attending all necessary appointments, and following agency procedures for reporting guests, overnight trips, and extended absences.